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Out With the Old, In with the New: A 3-Day Detox for Post-Holiday Rejuvenation

Is your body feeling a little…ugh? Like maybe you indulged in one too many glasses of holiday eggnog or couldn’t pass up that extra slice of pumpkin pie after Thanksgiving dinner? Been there, done that! ‘Tis the season for overindulging, but have no fear, it’s time for a good old-fashioned detox!

Detoxification (or detox for short) is essentially the process of removing toxins from your body. And while our livers, kidneys, and gastrointestinal systems work hard around the clock to filter out nasty stuff, they can sometimes use a little help especially after weeks of rich foods and cocktails. A detox aims to give your body a cleansing reboot by focusing on nutrient-dense foods and drinks that support the body’s natural detoxification process.

I know the word “detox” might conjure up images of scary juice fasts or restrictive diets. But having a gentle, temporary detox is incredibly beneficial and can be enjoyable! Here’s why it’s worth adding a detox to your self-care routine:

You’ll Have More Energy

When your body isn’t preoccupied with digesting heavy foods or dealing with toxins, you’ll be amazed at the natural energy boost you feel. It’s like taking the old clunker car to the shop for a tune up and suddenly it runs like new! Many people report feeling lighter, clearer and having way more pep in their step after a detox.

It Can Improve Digestion

If you’ve ever felt bloated, gassy, constipated (or like you can’t get off the toilet!) then a detox can be bowel-moving magic. Removing inflammatory foods and eating fiber-rich plant foods gets things moving through your system smoothly and comfortably. Bye bye bloat!

Give Your Immune System Some Love

Cold and flu season means your immune system needs some serious TLC. Detoxing gets rid of immune-disrupting toxins, decreases inflammation, and floods your body with antioxidant-rich foods. This supercharges your immune cells so they can more easily kick germs and viruses to the curb!

Your Skin Will Look Fabulous

Breakouts, dullness and dark circles can all be signs that toxins are using your skin as a dumping ground. Minimizing toxin intake and maximizing nutrient-rich foods means clearer, glowing, gorgeous skin!

Lose a Few Pounds

We hold onto toxins in our fat cells; it’s the body’s way of keeping these nasties from circulating freely and doing more harm. Releasing toxins by detoxing allows your body to access and flush that junk so it can shed excess pounds more easily. Plus, when your digestion works better and you have more energy, getting active becomes way more enjoyable. The weight just melts off!

A 3-Day Healthy Detox Plan

Convinced it’s time for a reset? Let me walk you through a 3-Day Healthy Detox Plan that uses delicious, whole foods to flood your body with nutrients and gets things moving. This gentle detox focuses on organic fruits and veggies, anti- inflammatory spices, probiotics, collagen, magnesium, and ample hydration from water and herbal teas to support natural detoxification. And no, you don’t have to only drink juice or starve yourself! This plan leaves you feeling nourished, energized and vibrant. Let’s get started!

Upon Waking

Start your morning by drinking 16 oz of water with some lemon juice to alkalize and energize your system. Then take a magnesium supplement to relaxation your nervous system and buffer stress. Follow that with a tablespoon of a hydrating, gut-healing collagen powder in some warm lemon water. This protein-packed sip stimulates digestion and your body’s detox organs like your liver.


Whip up a yummy antioxidant-rich smoothie packed with detoxifying fruits, veggies and spices like a detox turmeric smoothie, for example. The fiber aids elimination, vitamin C boosts liver function, and anti-inflammatory compounds help soothe your system. Bonus points for adding a prebiotic/probiotic combo to support your microbiome. Nutrient absorption for the win!


Make yourself a giant rainbow salad or Buddha bowl filled with a variety of organic veggies, lentils or chickpeas for protein, nuts/seeds for healthy fats, and anti-inflammatory herbs and spices like turmeric, parsley, oregano, basil and ginger. The phytochemicals and antioxidants in plants bind to toxins so you can eliminate them more easily. Fiber rich plants also scrub your insides squeaky clean!


Keep the detox momentum going with fresh fruits, veggies and hydrating herbal teas like dandelion, nettle leaf or matcha. Munching on raw veggies dipped in guacamole or hummus makes for a delicious, filling and detoxifying snack!


Veggie-loaded soup with lots of garlic, onions and mushrooms is an amazing detox dinner. Broths help flush your kidneys, while the sulfur-rich veggies boost liver function and elimination. Bonus if your soup contains cruciferous veggies like broccoli or cabbage along with fresh spices! Finish the meal with some antioxidant-rich berries drizzled with dark chocolate.

When your 3 days are up, reintroduce other foods slowly and pay attention to how your body feels. You’ll likely be amazed at the difference this short detox makes in your energy, skin, digestion, immunity and even mental clarity!

Keep the Detox Going

While quick cleanses serve an awesome purpose, you can and should incorporate detox-supporting foods and habits into your lifestyle long term. Here are some of my favorite year-round strategies:

  • Stay hydrated! Aim for at least 64 oz of water daily to flush out toxins. Add lemon, ginger or mint to make it yummy!
  • Keep eating all the plants. Seriously, veggies of all colors, fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices are crucial. Work them into every meal!
  • Drink anti-inflammatory turmeric golden milk a few times per week. This soothing beverage has a detox trifecta: ginger to support liver function, black pepper to boost nutrient absorption, and magnesium to relax your nervous system.
  • Take a calming Epsom salt or magnesium bath 3 times per week. This allows you soak up this relaxing mineral through your skin so it can get to work lowering your stress hormones for chill vibes only.
  • Work up a sweat! Bursts of cardio exercise, hot yoga, infrared sauna sessions or tough strength training workouts help open detoxification pathways so you eliminate toxins more efficiently.
  • Choose organic clean products for your body, home and beauty routine whenever possible. What goes on our bodies gets in our bodies! Making the switch allows you to avoid many nasty chemicals that disrupt hormones and immunity.
  • Get your zzzzzs. Quality sleep gives your organs a chance to do their regular maintenance so you wake up feeling refreshed. Aim for 7-9 hours per night.

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